Singing Guide: Endless Love

Singing Guide: Endless Love

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Endless Love is a timeless classic love ballad written by Lionel Richie and sung originally in duet with Diana Ross. One of the most striking features of this song is that it is an exploration of vocal harmony. In this article, I will provide practical tips and advice on how to emulate the vocal style of Lionel Richie specifically for the song Endless Love. I will also recommend Singing Carrots resources that will assist aspiring singers to develop the skills they need to perform Endless Love impressively.

Lionel Richie's vocal style combines his brilliant tenor voice, his hard-edged yet sensitive lyricism, and a distinctive blend of R&B and pop influences. In Endless Love, Lionel Richie provides a rich, layered vocal performance that is both emotive and technically impressive. He creates harmony and unison with Diana Ross, and even beyond this, layers harmonies upon harmonies with his voice. If you aspire to sing like Lionel Richie, there are a few things you need to consider.

First of all, you have to know your vocal range. You can use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your voice type and discover your vocal range with respect to that of famous singers. As Endless Love is pitched in the tenor voice range, you will need to build up your head and chest voice registers to hit the high notes of the song. To do this, I recommend doing Chest Voice Exercises, such as Singing Comfort Zone. Then, you can practice Glottal Onset and Mixed voice exercises like Voice Break and Mixed Voice to seamlessly blend your chest and head registers.

One of Lionel Richie's remarkable techniques is his vibrato. Vibrato is a vocal technique employed by singers to produce a slight variation in pitch that creates a more resonant and dynamic sound. It is essential for adding warmth and color to your singing. To integrate vibrato in your singing, you may want to try Singing with Vibrato. You can also learn how to sing with a stronger and fuller sound by enhancing your breath support through Farinelli Breathing and Breath Sustain exercises.

Articulation and phrasing are also important aspects of Lionel Richie's vocal style. Singing Carrots offers the Finger Bite Exercise to assist individuals in developing control over their diction, articulation, and breath control. This exercise can help you practice singing with correct consonant pronunciation and emphasize the phrasing of the song. It is also important to keep a relaxed voice to avoid constrictions. To do this, you can apply the techniques learned from Active and Passive Breathing and Open Mouth & Throat exercises.

Finally, Endless Love is a love song that requires an element of passion and feeling. Singing it with intuition, emotions, skills, and thinking, as discussed in our Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotions, and Thinking blog post, can help you infuse the song lyrics with depth. Also, when learning a song, it is imperative to learn each phrase and meaning, so you can accurately convey the sentiment of the song. Singing Carrots' How to Learn a Song Effectively article provides helpful tips on how to memorize the lyrics of a song properly.

In summary, singing like Lionel Richie requires a combination of technique, emotion, and style. You can develop these skills and improve your singing performance by making use of Singing Carrots resources such as vocal exercises, breathing techniques, learning to sing with vibrato, and Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking. I hope this article has been informative, and you now feel empowered to sing Lionel Richie's Endless Love with confidence and style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.